Creditors will send debt collectors on their behalf to get the payment that you owe them. And it is essential to be aware of the laws that surround fair debt collection. There are laws that protect debtors from harassment or abusive debt collection practices. You can find the list of the rules that surround fair debt collection through this page
A debt collector may contact the debtor in person, by telephone, mail, fax or telegram. But the debt collector can only contact you at certain hours and places. He or she may not knock on your front door and call before 8 in the morning or after 9 in the evening. The debt collector can only do that if you have agreed. You should also inform the debt collector on places where you should not be contacted about your debts such as in your workplace.
The debt collector is not allowed to discuss the standing of your account and your debts with anyone except for the co-signor. He or she may only contact third parties if they have to ask on how they can reach you. It is also prohibited to use abusive languages or threaten the debtors. If the debt collector has violated any of these rules, the debtor can file a complaint to the state attorney general.